Tinkhamtown Chapel Singalong a family affair

Dec 26, 2023

MATTAPOISETT — For Gail Roberts, “it’s not Christmas” until she attends the annual Tinkhamtown Chapel Christmas Carol Singalong.

On Saturday, Dec. 23 she helped members of the Mattapoisett community raise Christmas spirits by playing holiday tunes on an organ.

Roberts recalled sitting in the audience at the same event when she was a child.

“I sang with all of the kids when I was a kid and started playing the organ here when I was a teenager,” she said.

The event started with classic Christmas Carols like “Angels We Have Heard on High” and “Joy to the World.”

Later, children in attendance were called up to center stage where they performed children’s favorites like “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Jingle Bells.”

Jack Bell performed a solo rendition of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” on his saxophone; drawing the loudest applause of the night.

“This event makes the holidays for me every year,” said Roberts.

Roberts said that her parents originally started the event and it has mostly remained unchanged for the last six decades.

“People come and go, kids grow, they go away and get married but they always come back with their kids,” said Roberts.

After the singing concluded, attendees shared cookies, cider and plenty of laughs.