Mattapoisett waters closed to shellfishing after storm

Jan 12, 2024

MATTAPOISETT — Following heavy rainfall on Jan. 9 and 10 that caused combined sewer overflow discharges in communities across Buzzards Bay, Mattapoisett waters will be closed to shellfishing for 21 days or until further notice, according to the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. 

This impacts shellfish growing areas BB7, BB10 through BB23, E1 and E4 in the towns of Mattapoisett, Dartmouth, Westport, Fairhaven, Falmouth, Gosnold and the city of New Bedford. 

“Digging, harvesting or collecting and/or attempting to dig, harvest or collect shellfish, and the possession of shellfish from the [above] areas is prohibited until further notice,” according to the state.